About NFS

NFS is the file sharing system which is used on UNIX OS like Linux. I'll explain about it to deepen my understanding. O...

About FTP

Recently I had a problem about FTP transfer, so I'm writing about FTP to deepen my understanding. Overview FTP is the a...

What’s VLAN?

If you work as an engineer and have a lot of opportunities to deal with NW, you may have heard the word "VLAN". However...

About L2SW

If you work as an infrastructure engineer, you've heard the word "L2SW" during at work. However what's the difference f...

About router

Nowadays even general people use the word "router" as usual, and there is at least one router in every house. Of course...

About Repository

When I work as an engineer I heard the word "Repository" sometimes, so I searched about it. Overview Repository is pret...

What’s cron

When I use Linux at my work, I heard the word "cron" and I couldn't understand it. So I searched and summarized about c...

What’s NFS?

If you learn technology or network, you may have heard "NFS", so what's this meaning? Overview NFS is the abbreviation ...

What’s RAID?

You may have heard "RAID", but what's this? I'll explain about RAID today. Overview RAID is the abbreviation of "Red...

What’s I/O

I/O is the abbreviation of "Input/Output". Computer always perform the process to input the information and output the ...
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